ADAM A. ROTH. Among the men who are cultivating a portion of the soil of Calhoun County successfully, and who occupy an honored place among the citizens is the gentleman above named, who resides in Crater Precinct. He had not the educational advantages that are afforded many youths, nor had he the benefit of a large capital with which to begin business. He has made his way by sheer force of his natural abilities and persistent will, coupled with the prudent habits which he acquired in his early home. He has an assured footing among the agriculturists and landowners of the township and is the fortunate possessor of three hundred and thirty acres of excellent land.
Mr. Roth is of German parentage, being a son of John and Catherine Roth, who emigrated from the Fatherland many years ago. They came to Calhoun County in 1857 and took their place among the early settlers of Crater Precinct, where they made their permanent home. The father died in February, 1881, and the mother three years afterward. The parental family included ten children, of whom those now surviving are Adam, John, Peter, Mary and Theresa. All are living in Crater Precinct except the last-named, whose home is in St. Louis, Mo. Mary is now the wife of Michael Zipprich.
The father of this family cleared up a farm, making his start in this section by chopping wood, which he hauled away for sale. He was a hard-working man during his entire life and was always interested in that which would advance the public weal. He had received a good education in his native land and while he lived in St. Louis, Mo., was a clerk in a hardware store. He enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all who knew him and in his death Calhoun County lost a worthy citizen. He served on the School Board. He voted the Democratic ticket and belonged to the Roman Catholic Church.
The subject of this biographical notice was born June 1, 1855, in St. Louis, Mo., and was about two years old when brought to Calhoun County. He attended the public schools of Crater Precinct, acquiring a fair rudimentary education, to which he has added the knowledge which he has been able to obtain by intercourse with his fellow-men and through the medium of the public press. He has placed his land under good improvement, cultivates it carefully and is reaping a due reward for his labors. He follows his father's example and teaching in voting the Democratic ticket and retaining his membership in the Catholic Church. He is now serving as Clerk of the School Board.
The good wife whose housewifely skill and loving thought for her family are manifest in the home surroundings bore the maiden name of Theresa Korse. She was born in the county in which she lives, and under the care of worthy parents grew to womanhood. Her father, Frank Korse, is now deceased but her mother is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Roth are the parents of four children — Frank, Adam, Lizzie and Katie. It affords us pleasure to represent in this volume a man so worthy of the good opinion of his fellow-citizens as Adam A. Roth, whose friends will be pleased to read these brief notes regarding his career.
Extracted 16 Mar 2017 by Norma Hass from Portrait and Biographical Album of Pike and Calhoun Counties, Illinois, published in 1891, pages 425-426
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